Homeopathy Offers
Natural Support
Without Suppressing
Your Child’s Essential Exuberance
More than one in 10 children in Australia are diagnosed with ADHD and related behavioural disorders.[1] There is a broad range of treatment options available, both in the realm of conventional medicine and also in traditional medicine. It may be that a combination of treatment approaches will be most beneficial.
Homeopathic Support
Homeopathy is a form of natural medicine that uses immeasurably small doses of medicines to stimulate the body’s innate healing ability. Each child is assessed as the unique individual that he or she is. A homeopathic remedy is selected that best matches the child’s symptoms:
· the particular challenging behaviours
· the child’s nature, including fears and special interests
· their sleep, appetite, food and other sensitivities
· and any particular physical symptoms.
After taking a well-chosen homeopathic medicine, we would expect:
· A noticeable settling in the child’s behaviour
· An overall improvement in the child’s general health
· A more balanced individual
Case Study An 8-year-old boy was constantly in trouble at school, unable to focus in class. His mother complained that he was easily distracted at home and in particular that he was constantly restless, his legs always jiggling. He was also extremely restlessness during sleep, and he would often wake at night in a state of fright. These symptoms matched a particular homeopathic medicine. He was prescribed a dose of 5 drops once a week. At a follow up appointment six weeks later there was a marked change in his behaviour. The night terrors had ceased, he was much more settled and focused, both in school and at home and the physical restlessness was greatly reduced.
Research Findings
A German study of 115 children diagnosed with ADHD, showed that 75% responded favourably to homeopathic treatment. This figure is confirmed in anecdotal reports from practitioners in Australia and the USA. The results are similar to studies of stimulant medication in treatment of ADHD.[2]
Features of Homeopathic Intervention
· Traditionally, homeopathic medicines are deemed to be low risk; they are generally well tolerated.
· Homeopathic medicines are only taken as needed.. Once improvements in symptoms are observed, dosing is stopped, and repeated only when/if beneficial effects begin to wear off.
· You don’t have to choose one or the other - homeopathic medicine can be effective when taken in conjunction with conventional treatments.
· You can expect to see results within a few weeks, but commitment to a longer-term treatment program of at least a year is important to bring about lasting change.
The Process
In the initial consultation, lasting up to one and a half hours, the homeopath gathers information about the child’s behaviour, along with a detailed medical and personal history. It may help to interview the parents/carers separately from the child.
Follow-up appointments, every four to six weeks monitor the progress of the treatment.
[1] http://www.health.gov.au/internet/publications/publishing.nsf/Content/mental-pubs-m-young-toc~mental-pubs-m-young-5
[2] Frei H & Thurneysen A, (2001) British Homeopathic Journal (2001) 90, 1831
Use medicines only as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare practitioner. This advice does not replace professional care. These suggestions are for the treatment of minor aliments only and are not suitable for the treatment of chronic, serious or on-going illness.